Motivating and Engaging Your Child to Read

Want to Know a Secret?  There Are Ways to Motivate and Keep Your Child Engaged While Reading!

Helping your child to become motivated and stay engaged while reading is one of the biggest challenges that many parents and caregivers face in this day and time.  I know this, because I hear this pretty much on a daily basis from my clients, as well as from people I meet who have children who just can’t seem to get interested in books.

Some kids can’t seem to find “their” book.

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Books That Kids Ages 10+ Will Love to Read

Even Older kids Should Enjoy Reading!

In a previous post, I talked about the importance of giving the younger children a firm foundation in reading. Reading is pretty much at the heart of everything we do in life.  I also shared with you some of my favorite children’s books.  I chose these books based on 36  years of teaching experience, and the books I have seen kids read over and over again!

Reading is Important for Kids of All Ages
Reading is at the heart of everything we do in life.

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Children’s Books Your Child Will Fall In Love With

Books Can be the Gateway to Successful Learning

Reading is extremely fundamental. Children need to know how to read successfully, and comprehend what they are reading in order to do just about anything in life.  The key is to find books that will inspire them to want to read, without putting the book down in favor of playing games or something else that they may see as “more entertaining!”

In this post, I would love to share with you some children’s books that I think your child will fall in love with!  Why?  Because my kids absolutely adored them!

Children's Books That Your Child Will Fall in Love With!
Children’s books your child will fall in love with!

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Things Children Should Know Before Kindergarten

So…Your Child is Getting Ready to go into Kindergarten?!

Kindergarten Is Exciting!
Kindergarten is an exciting time!

What an exciting time!  If you’re reading this right now, I assume that you either have a child who is getting ready to enter kindergarten, or who may already be a kindergarten student. This is an exciting and crucial time for them!  As a former kindergarten teacher, I would like to share my thoughts with you on some things children should know before Kindergarten. Continue reading “Things Children Should Know Before Kindergarten”

How iPads Can Help Kids Excel at Learning

iPads Can Definitely Help Kids Excel at Learning

In a previous post, I explored with you some ways that tablets can actually help younger children learn the abc’s, as well as learn to read!  And, who doesn’t want their child to succeed, especially early on?  With the technological age that we live in, it seems that more and more kids would rather be reading on an iPad than picking up a book.

iPads Can Help Kids Excel at Learning
iPads can help kids excel at learning!

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