“Can I have a tablet for my birthday, please?” Whenever I hear these words, it makes me smile, mostly because I know that tablets and children make for a fun combination!
Child Reading on a Tablet
Actually, I think the saying goes more like this…”If I don’t get a tablet for my birthday, can I have one if I take out the trash for a whole week, clean my room, and turn my homework in on time?!” Can you tell that I’ve had Continue reading “Tablets and Children Make a Fun Combination”
How to Make Learning to Read Easier [What’s the Secret?]
If you’re struggling to help your child learn to read, you’re not alone. Learning to read is pretty much the basis of everything else we learn to do, and for many kids, it’s extremely challenging. I would like to share reasons for why I am a firm believer in using phonics to teach children to read, and also give you some ideas for how to teach phonics the easy way! So…what’s the secret? I’ll share this a little later in this post:)
I have worked with so many parents and caregivers of children who are very skeptical when it comes to phonics. I respect this, as every person has his/her own opinion. Continue reading “How to Teach Phonics the Easy Way”
Welcome back! I’m hoping that if you’re reading this, you have already tried some of the reading strategies that I listed in a few of my previous posts. Hopefully, your child is beginning to develop a love for reading, even if it is only in the beginning stages!
Today, I would like to share with you reasons for why fluency is critical to reading. According to resources.fueleducation.com, being able to read fluently is extremely critical to reading comprehension, and I couldn’t agree more!
Being able to read fluently is the key to reading comprehension.
Just like with everything we learn to do in life, this is how reading starts. Kids have to put one foot in front of the other, and continue to move forward! This is the only way to succeed, and I promise you that it will be worthwhile in the long-run!
Kids have to keep moving forward in order to read fluently.
How My First Grade Teacher Made Reading With Phonics More Exciting
When I was in the first grade, my teacher taught our class how to read using the phonetic approach. Reading quickly became my favorite subject! It seemed fun and easy! I mastered the art of breaking words apart, sounding them out, and putting them back together until I no longer needed to do this.
Learning to read can be made easy with the right approach!
We, as human beings, have been conditioned to want to do those things that we love, and ignore the things that bore us or make us feel uncomfortable! I know that I tend to put off the things that don’t motivate me in favor of the things that I totally enjoy doing! Who doesn’t?!
Many people put off doing what they should do in favor of something more enjoyable.
For many children, regardless of age, reading is something they would rather avoid…like the plague! These children have most likely never been given the tools necessary to become successful readers. So, they see reading as a tedious chore, or as something they would rather not do. They need to learn that reading is actually something fun to do!