
How I Decide on What to Review

When you, as a parent or caregiver of a struggling reader look at the vast amount of reading programs and other services out there, it can be extremely overwhelming!  Believe me, I know!  I recently did a search to find as many reviews of children’s reading programs that I could, and came up with more than I expected to find!

Every reading program seems to claim that they are the “authoritative expert” when it comes to instructing kids on how to read more efficiently.  They have every right to, because they believe in their product.  But….where do you begin when you know nothing about these services?  This is where I come in!

What I Base My Reviews On

Working in a school district for 20 years, and then owning and operating a small tutoring business for the last 11,  has given me many opportunities to see different reading programs in action.  Some of them have created extremely successful and enthusiastic readers! These kiddos now find that reading is not a chore, but rather a fun way of experiencing places they had only imagined before. They do this through books, magazines, online computer programs, and many other types of literature!

Kids Enjoying Reading
Kids can learn to become successful readers!

Other programs only seemed to suck money out of the parents, while leaving their children in the same downward spiral that they had been in before.  Throughout my pages and posts, I am going to be giving you thorough reviews of the reading programs and services that I have either used or have experience with.

My Mission

My mission to you personally, as parents, is to help you find the right reading programs and services for your children, in order to help them be successful for life!  My goal for your children is to see them flourish and develop a tremendous love for reading!

My hope is that your children will learn to view reading as a great and exciting adventure, and to realize that reading can be fun!  If you ever have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below, or email me at  And, as always…Happy reading to you and your child!




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